Let's make our world a better place
one system at a time
We support education and innovation for sustainability since 2013.
Enjoy our online content and resources, or reach out for cooperation and services.
Organisations per year
Supporting businesses, cities, schools and more
On circularity, systems, sustainability and nature
Ongoing projects
On innovative education, research, or design
Where we did impactful work in Europe & Asia
Who We Are
We are a small educational and consulting organisation specialized in systems methods and tools for sustainable development. We support business transformation, community engagement, policy experiments, educational programs and research, while developing and delivering methods and tools that make systems work engaging and understandable.
Our team is dedicated to unraveling complexity, identifying leverage points, and driving transformative impact. While we have roots in Hungary, and mostly active in the EU, our activities have global reach, often working in environments where much is at stake.
Together, let’s embrace systems and shape a better future!
What We Do
Support cities
Offering urban systems mapping, visioning, multi-stakeholder management, innovation governance, project support. Urban nature simulation and consulting work through PHYSI Solutions.
Support cities
Offering urban systems mapping, visioning, multi-stakeholder management, innovation governance, project support. Urban nature simulation and consulting work through PHYSI Solutions.
Transform businesses
Supporting SMEs with circular economy transition - from problem identification and value chain analysis, through priorization, strategy development, action planning and stakeholder management
Transform businesses
Supporting SMEs with circular economy transition - from problem identification and value chain analysis, through priorization, strategy development, action planning and stakeholder management
Teach and mentor
Engaging in teaching from high school through bachelor’s and master’s level education, as well as mentoring students in various talent institutes and innovation competitions.
Teach and mentor
Engaging in teaching from high school through bachelor’s and master’s level education, as well as mentoring students in various talent institutes and innovation competitions.
Participation in various action research projects that aim to tackle systemic challenges in cities, natural resource management, ecosystem services and education.
Participation in various action research projects that aim to tackle systemic challenges in cities, natural resource management, ecosystem services and education.
Support education
Developing educational materials, guidebooks, lesson plans, competency frameworks, simulation games, and providing quality assurance of large scale educational projects and programs.
Support education
Developing educational materials, guidebooks, lesson plans, competency frameworks, simulation games, and providing quality assurance of large scale educational projects and programs.
Why We Do It
We believe that global challenges such as the climate, ecosystem and resource crysis are symptoms of a lack of systems perspective in governance. There is a substantial gap between the promise of sustainable solutions, and actual uptake – our challenges are complex, embedded, and difficult, and do not give in to shiny hotfixes. We see a burning need for ways to tackle complexity with systems mindsets, processes, and tools.

of the world economy is linear
How could we increase resource efficiency and reduce structural waste for a circular economy?
net CO2 emission in EU by 2050
How could we smoothen the energy, housing mobility and EU’s overall net zero transition?
DGSs to be met globally by 2030
How could we build capacity locally and nationally for sustainability transformation?
At CSI, we thrive on such questions. Whether we encounter roadblocks on individual, organization, or global level, we believe systems innovation can help us engage with the messy world.
We support learners and organizations make sense of, navigate, and untangle complex challenges within intricate systems, and collaboratively develop better solutions.
How We Do It

Strong fundamentals
We build our education and consulting work on systems concepts, science-based frameworks and
clear evidence, based on our cooperation in state-of-the-art innovation and action research projects.

Real challenges and cases
We work with real-life challenges, bring in cases or site visits, and encourage
a multidisciplinary approach to explore them from different perspectives.

Systems-based visual tools
We develop and use operational co-creation, systems innovation, creativity, and planning tools
to engage participants, support cognitive mapping, knowledge visualization, and structuring.
Swinging into action
We aim to co-develop practical solutions, strategies, action
plans, prototypes, or other actionable outcomes with you.
Example courses
The following courses and trainings are examples from our 2022 roster. New events are announced in our social media with infosessions and registration links.
Circularity Thinking
Length: 3 full days or 7x3 hours
For: SMEs, consultants, business coaches in groups of 4-5
Aim: to support participants through a circular transformation process with science-based analytical visual tools and real life cases, starting from challenge identification to strategy, action planning and stakeholder engagement
Format: workshop with visual tools on real cases
Developed with EIT Climate-KIC
Systems Innovation
Length: 4-6 sessions / 12 hours
For: institutions, businesses, organisations in groups of 4-5
Aim: to build organisational capacity using a systems innovation approach, starting from needs and challenges, through adapting a new mindset, processes and tools to address and respond to these.
Format: workshops with visual tools, 1-on-1 sessions, mind- mapping
Urban Nature
Length: 6-8 sessions
For: municipal professionals
Aim: to bring nature-based solutions into the mainstream of urban systems from conceptualization, to implementation, maintenance and monitoring, using real life cases.
Format: workshops, site visits, digital twinning, and action planning.
In cooperation with PHYSI Solutions.
Sustainable Development
Length: 10-12 sessions
For: high school to master's level students in groups of 12-30
Aim: to discuss sustainable development as a challenge of transition in complex socio-ecological systems through the lens of governance and policy, with the aim of developing national action plans to implement SDGs.
Format: lectures, social simulations, modeling, and role play.
Young Innovators
Length: 8-12 hours (2-3 half-days)
For: high school and university teachers, learning coaches
Aim: offering a package of methods and visual tools to integrate complex problem solving and innovation in any educational curriculum. Through 20 to 40 hours of creative learning content, students can tackle societal challenges head-on.
Developed with EIT Climate-KIC.
SDGs Social Simulation
Length: 2 to 4 hours
For: any audience
Aim: this political simulation game was developed by us to shed light on the difficulties of sustainability politics, trade-offs, priorization, and decision making through a role play where groups of participants represent groups of nations, debate, vote, and reach a collective decision.
We also use several other linked social simulation games.
Format: workshop with cards
Future Skills
Length: 4-8 hours
For: high school students and undergrads in group of 6-20
Aim: this gamified co-creation workshop highlights the skills and competencies needed to become changemakers and lead systemic innovation, as well as how various career pathways and disciplines can be enhanced with a systems approach and cooperation.
Format: visual tools and discussion
Hear from our team and clients!
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